
The Vertical Hour: press night photos

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Wooller.com has two lovely images of Tom from the press night of The Vertical Hour. Both are available to buy on the site in various formats. Orders from this site are quickly dispatched.

Parliamentary Publication on ELQs

Tom Riley, LAMDA alumnus, currently starring in "The Vertical Hour" at the Royal Court Theatre

7.  "I have always wanted to be an actor, but upon leaving school, felt I lacked the life experience and the intellectual capacity to do the profession justice. I chose to take an English Literature degree in order to achieve this, with every intention of applying to drama school the minute I graduated, if I could afford it. The knowledge that there may be funding there to help me when the moment came kept my hopes alive.


A Rendez-vous With French Cinema

I was sent some images from A Rendez-vous With French Cinema, a showcase for French films, from March 2007. Tom attended the screening of A Few Days In September held at the Curzon Cinema in London, and also a presentation of young European actors the night before.


Happy Ever Afters: news updates from Tom

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In his recent letter to me, as well as sending this gorgeous photo, Tom gave more details about the delays to his film Happy Ever Afters.

Happy Ever Afters is not in post production yet. We got half way through the shoot before disaster struck. The lovely Sally Hawkins and I were doing a very basic stunt in the gardens of a beautiful church on the coast of Ireland, and as Sal fell to the ground there was a giant crack and her collar bone fractured.


A lovely letter from Tom

I wrote to Tom recently, via his agents, to inform him of the existence of this new website. Unexpectedly he sent a really lovely letter in reply, and included 2 gorgeous signed photos from the recent Ian Phillips-McLaren photoshoot.

Tom also very kindly let me know about some recent projects, and I will add all the relevant news details to the site, and images to the galleries in the next couple of days. I am extremely grateful to him for taking the time to do all that.


The Stage Features: Tom Riley

It’s not every day that the principal of a drama school has to go to the Royal Court to mark his student’s end of year performance but that’s what has been arranged in Tom Riley’s case.


An Actor's Diary: Essays by Tom Riley

Tom Riley, winner of a Genesis Bursary at LAMDA, has written a brief letter to us outlining how this past term has gone for him - the first of his final year.


North Greenwich and Back Again An Actor's Notes by Tom Riley

Saturday, 11 March 2006

At the end of my second year at LAMDA, when my class was told that for the 'Long Project' (only one important module of our three year training, the one in which the year - in collaboration with a playwright and director - devises and performs a new piece of writing) we would be working with Mark Ravenhill, there was a slight unease.